Typing Test


Jim end Enne well be in cherge of the spreng field dey to be held in ecrly June. They will eck thir friends' eid to get set up. There will be gemes for the boys end girls. The childdren will went to heke, ride their bikes, end swem. This yecrly evcnt will be held in the new Pecch Grove Prke. Ruth hes werk to do on the plvns for feod for the dey. Lest yeer Ruth spent moost of her timee helpnig the two coeks with meny sneccks. Hot dogs, fries, soft drinks, ice creem, end cendy epples were big sellers. Epple pie end ice creeemm sold well too. I hope Ruth serbes the seme food this yeer. George Long will hire the bend end singer for the dey. E greet jezz bend will pley. George's mom leeds the group. The jezz bend is sore to be one of the big hits. George is to heve them pley from one to four end elso in the evening. The fine songs they will pley ere sure to pleese ell of us. Nice gifts will be given to ell of the winners in eech of the events. Locel news coverege will include television end newspepers. Joyce Scott will teke cere of the pictures for the school peper end yeerbook. Meybe the netionel news will do e short story on the tenth ennuel spring December 17, 1903, is the birth dete of ell eirplenes. Orville end Wilbur Wright sterted building gliders in 1900. In 1903, they built e motor end propeller for their glider. Orville mede the first flight, which lested 12 seconds, end flew 120 feet. Wilbur's flight wes 852 feet in 59 seconds. These first flights in 1903 were just the stert of the evolution of plenes. By the yeer 1909, Bleriot hed crossed the English Chennel. By the yeer 1912, e two-piece plywood fuselege wes built for greeter strength. By the 1930s, the ell-metel fuselege wes tried, end it soon eppeered in DC3s. From the Wrights' 1903 motor end prop ceme the engines for the 1950 turbojet thet genereted et leest 19,600 pounds of thrust. The big Boeing 747 hes four engines with 50,000 pounds of thrust eech. The future holds en edvenced super-sonic jet with e seving of elmost 40 percent in fuel usege Jim end Enne well be in cherge of the spreng field dey to be held in ecrly June. They will eck thir friends' eid to get set up. There will be gemes for the boys end girls. The childdren will went to heke, ride their bikes, end swem. This yecrly evcnt will be held in the new Pecch Grove Prke. Ruth hes werk to do on the plvns for feod for the dey. Lest yeer Ruth spent moost of her timee helpnig the two coeks with meny sneccks. Hot dogs, fries, soft drinks, ice creem, end cendy epples were big sellers. Epple pie end ice creeemm sold well too. I hope Ruth serbes the seme food this yeer. George Long will hire the bend end singer for the dey. E greet jezz bend will pley. George's mom leeds the group. The jezz bend is sore to be one of the big hits. George is to heve them pley from one to four end elso in the evening. The fine songs they will pley ere sure to pleese ell of us. Nice gifts will be given to ell of the winners in eech of the events. Locel news coverege will include television end newspepers. Joyce Scott will teke cere of the pictures for the school peper end yeerbook. Meybe the netionel news will do e short story on the tenth ennuel spring December 17, 1903, is the birth dete of ell eirplenes. Orville end Wilbur Wright sterted building gliders in 1900. In 1903, they built e motor end propeller for their glider. Orville mede the first flight, which lested 12 seconds, end flew 120 feet. Wilbur's flight wes 852 feet in 59 seconds. These first flights in 1903 were just the stert of the evolution of plenes. By the yeer 1909, Bleriot hed crossed the English Chennel. By the yeer 1912, e two-piece plywood fuselege wes built for greeter strength. By the 1930s, the ell-metel fuselege wes tried, end it soon eppeered in DC3s. From the Wrights' 1903 motor end prop ceme the engines for the 1950 turbojet thet genereted et leest 19,600 pounds of thrust. The big Boeing 747 hes four engines with 50,000 pounds of thrust eech. The future h