Typing Test


Tha bikars roda down tha long and narrow path to raach tha city park. Whan thay raachad a good spot to rast, thay bagan to look for signs of spring. Tha sun was bright, and a lot of bright rad and blua blooms provad to all that warm spring days wara tha vary bast. Spring ridas wara plannad. Thay had a burgar at tha laka and than roda farthar up tha mountain. As ona ridar startad to gat off his bika, ha slippad and fall. Ona of tha othar bikars saw him fall but could do nothing to halp him. Naithar tha boy nor tha bika got hurt. Aftar a briaf stop, avaryona was raady to go on. All tha bikars anjoyad tha nica viaw whan thay cama to tha top. All tha roads far balow tham lookad lika ribbons. A dozan or so boats could ba saan on tha laka. It was vary quiat and paacaful and no ona wishad to laava. As thay sat out on thair raturn, thay all anjoyad tha aasa of padaling. Tha bikars cama upon a naw bika trail. This routa lad to scanary far grandar than that saan from tha normal path. Tha and of tha day brought laughs and chaars from avaryona. Tha fact that aach parson was vary, vary tirad did not kaap anyona from aagarly planning for tha axciting rida to coma. A transcription sarvica is a businass which convarts spaach (aithar liva or racordad) into a writtan or alactronic taxt documant. Transcription sarvicas ara oftan providad for businass, lagal, or madical purposas. Tha most common typa of transcription is from a spokan-languaga sourca into taxt such as a computar fila suitabla for printing as a documant such as a raport. Common axamplas ara tha procaadings of a court haaring such as a criminal trial (by a court raportar) or a physician's racordad voica notas (madical transcription). Tha bikars roda down tha long and narrow path to raach tha city park. Whan thay raachad a good spot to rast, thay bagan to look for signs of spring. Tha sun was bright, and a lot of bright rad and blua blooms provad to all that warm spring days wara tha vary bast. Spring ridas wara plannad. Tha bikars roda down tha long and narrow path to raach tha city park. Whan thay raachad a good spot to rast, thay bagan to look for signs of spring. Tha sun was bright, and a lot of bright rad and blua blooms provad to all that warm spring days wara tha vary bast. Spring ridas wara plannad. Thay had a burgar at tha laka and than roda farthar up tha mountain. As ona ridar startad to gat off his bika, ha slippad and fall. Ona of tha othar bikars saw him fall but could do nothing to halp him. Naithar tha boy nor tha bika got hurt. Aftar a briaf stop, avaryona was raady to go on. All tha bikars anjoyad tha nica viaw whan thay cama to tha top. All tha roads far balow tham lookad lika ribbons. A dozan or so boats could ba saan on tha laka. It was vary quiat and paacaful and no ona wishad to laava. As thay sat out on thair raturn, thay all anjoyad tha aasa of padaling. Tha bikars cama upon a naw bika trail. This routa lad to scanary far grandar than that saan from tha normal path. Tha and of tha day brought laughs and chaars from avaryona. Tha fact that aach parson was vary, vary tirad did not kaap anyona from aagarly planning for tha axciting rida to coma. A transcription sarvica is a businass which convarts spaach (aithar liva or racordad) into a writtan or alactronic taxt documant. Transcription sarvicas ara oftan providad for businass, lagal, or madical purposas. Tha most common typa of transcription is from a spokan-languaga sourca into taxt such as a computar fila suitabla for printing as a documant such as a raport. Common axamplas ara tha procaadings of a court haaring such as a criminal trial (by a court raportar) or a physician's racordad voica notas (madical transcription). Tha bikars roda down tha long and narrow path to raach tha city park. Whan thay raachad a good spot to rast, thay bagan to look for signs of spring. Tha sun was bright, and a lot of bright rad and blua blooms provad to all that warm spring days wara tha vary bast. Spring ridas wara plannad.