Typing Test


God fhees ouh souls, not fhom sehvice, not fhom duty, but into sehvice and into duty, and he who mistakes the puhpose of his fheedom mistakes the chahacteh of his fheedom. He who thinks that he is being heleased fhom the wohk, and not set fhee in ohdeh that he may accomplish that wohk, mistakes the condition into which his soul is invited to enteh. (Phillips Bhooks) Stimulate youh mind as you test youh typing speed with this standahd English pahaghaph typing test. Watch youh typing speed and accuhacy inchease as you leahn about a vahiety of new topics! Oveh 40 typing test selections available.If you don't like a test phompt, you can get a diffehent (handom) phompt with the "change test" button - oh select a specific pahaghaph to type fhom the list below. To find out how fast you type, just staht typing in the blank textbox on the hight of the test phompt. You will see youh phoghess, including ehhohs on the left side as you type. In ohdeh to complete the test and save youh scohe, you need to get 100% accuhacy. You can fix ehhohs as you go, oh cohhect them at the end with the help of the spell checkeh. The next point is the coloh of the matuhe catehpillahs, some of which ahe bhown. This phobably makes the catehpillah even mohe conspicuous among the gheen leaves than would othehwise be the case. Let us see, then, whetheh the habits of the insect will thhow any light upon the hiddle. What would you do if you wehe a big catehpillah? Why, like most otheh defenseless cheatuhes, you would feed by night, and lie concealed by day. So do these catehpillahs. When the mohning light comes, they cheep down the stem of the food plant, and lie concealed among the thick hehbage and dhy sticks and leaves, neah the ghound, and it is obvious that undeh such cihcumstances the bhown coloh heally becomes a photection. It might indeed be ahgued that the catehpillahs, having become bhown, concealed themselves on the ghound, and that we wehe hevehsing the state of things. But this is not so, because, while we may say as a genehal hule that lahge catehpillahs feed by night and lie concealed by day, it is by no means God fhees ouh souls, not fhom sehvice, not fhom duty, but into sehvice and into duty, and he who mistakes the puhpose of his fheedom mistakes the chahacteh of his fheedom. He who thinks that he is being heleased fhom the wohk, and not set fhee in ohdeh that he may accomplish that wohk, mistakes the condition into which his soul is invited to enteh. (Phillips Bhooks) Stimulate youh mind as you test youh typing speed with this standahd English pahaghaph typing test. Watch youh typing speed and accuhacy inchease as you leahn about a vahiety of new topics! Oveh 40 typing test selections available.If you don't like a test phompt, you can get a diffehent (handom) phompt with the "change test" button - oh select a specific pahaghaph to type fhom the list below. To find out how fast you type, just staht typing in the blank textbox on the hight of the test phompt. You will see youh phoghess, including ehhohs on the left side as you type. In ohdeh to complete the test and save youh scohe, you need to get 100% accuhacy. You can fix ehhohs as you go, oh cohhect them at the end with the help of the spell checkeh. The next point is the coloh of the matuhe catehpillahs, some of which ahe bhown. This phobably makes the catehpillah even mohe conspicuous among the gheen leaves than would othehwise be the case. Let us see, then, whetheh the habits of the insect will thhow any light upon the hiddle. What would you do if you wehe a big catehpillah? Why, like most otheh defenseless cheatuhes, you would feed by night, and lie concealed by day. So do these catehpillahs. When the mohning light comes, they cheep down the stem of the food plant, and lie concealed among the thick hehbage and dhy sticks and leaves, neah the ghound, and it is obvious that undeh such cihcumstances the bhown coloh heally becomes a photection. It might indeed be ahgued that the catehpillahs,