Typing Test


Drug addiction is a dependence syndrome. It is a condition where a person feels a strong desire to consume drugs and can't do without them. Such people find it difficult to control the need to take drugs. The feeling to consume drugs becomes more important for them than other daily chores and even their family. If the addicted person does not use drugs for longer time he is likely to feel depressed and isolated. Addiction is the state where mind and body just cannot do without drugs. The brain changes are persistent that is why drug addiction is often defined as a form of mental disorder. Drug addiction is a chronic disorder that refers to the condition in which a person feels a strong need of drugs and can't keep from consuming the same. It is characterized by obsessive engagement in desired spur despite adverse consequences. The addictive stimuli are characterized by two factors - one is positive reinforcement and second is perceived to be intrinsically rewarding. A person develops and feels increasing pleasure in consuming drugs. The initial decision to take drugs is mostly voluntary for most of the people but with repeated use of drugs one develops the habit and deprives self-control that eventually leads to dependency. The dependency and over consumption of drugs can lead to persistent brain changes. Long term use of drugs can also affect the brain functions that include behaviour, learning, stress, anxiety and memory. Despite being aware of the adverse consequences people addicted-to-drugs continue using it as they simply cannot resist them. Signs of Drug Addiction - Here is a look at the signs of drug addiction: A strong urge to consume drugs everyday either single or multiple times. Ensure continual supply of drugs even if it demands begging, borrowing or stealing. No self-control when it comes to consuming drugs. Addicts tend to consume more drugs than they may actually want to. Consume drugs regularly despite knowing about their adverse consequences. The feeling of withdrawal even when one is with family and friends. People often stop enjoying what they used to earlier. This may be things such as watching movies, listening music cooking or just about anything. Spending more time seeking and using drugs and dealing with its effects. Prolonged feeling of anxiety and depression. Feeling of vulnerability when devoid of drugs. If one loses control over oneself and gets trapped in drug addiction one should definitely consult a doctor. Right treatment and healthy lifestyle can help get rid of drugs. Drug addiction is a growing trend among young adults and is a major concern for the society. People often get used to drugs to escape away from their problems though once addicted it causes several other problems over the time. Who is more Prone to get Addicted? Those whose family members like parents, siblings or relatives consume drugs and alcohol regularly are likely to develop this habit. If one starts taking drugs at early age it is likely that they get addicted as they grow. One who feels more depressed and stressed constantly often uses drugs to feel better and eventually gets addicted. One who is going through troubles in relationships with family or spouse can also develop such habits. One who is suffering from grief or trauma of losing loved one may start using drugs to escape the feeling of hurt and get addicted over the time. Drug addiction is a dependence syndrome. It is a condition where a person feels a strong desire to consume drugs and can't do without them. Such people find it difficult to control the need to take drugs. The feeling to consume drugs becomes more important for them than other daily chores and even their family. If the addicted person does not use drugs for longer time he is likely to feel depressed and isolated. Addiction is the state where mind and body just cannot do without drugs. The brain changes are persistent that is why drug addiction is often defined as a form of mental disorder. Drug a