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The on-going tussle between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Apple's CEO Tim Cook in USA with its twists and turns makes it interesting reading raising several questions. On one hand the FBI wants Apple to decode the password of the phone of a terrorist couple who killed some Americans before police came and shot them. Apple doesn't want to do that citing customer loyalty among others that impinges on breach of customer privacy. In December 2015 Syed Rizwan Farouk and Tashfeen Malik opened fire at a holidaying party in San Bernardino, California killing 14 people and injuring 22 some of them seriously. The police finally killed the couple in a shootout. While Farouk was an American, Malik was a Pakistani immigrant. The couple had stored cache of ammunition in their residence apparently for future attacks. Investigators believe that the couple had contacts with other terror groups and friends involved in terror. The issue at hand is FBI wants to open the locked iPhones carried by the couple which may give crucial information on other terror suspects, organizations they worked for, information on their banking, finance, who could have helped them etc. Their phones could have unearthed a treasure trove of information that could help police uncover / prevent future attacks. Apple says it is equivalent to breach of customer privacy which they prize most. True, most companies climb Dow Jones and their ladder of success not only on their technical wizardry, ease of operations but on customer loyalty which helps in repeat business. This is held high on high-end products and if anything is true, it mattered most to Steve Jobs, the founder. Once a customer buys an Apple product, say any of its i series, the upgrades / updates of the product would be automatically available to the customer and any new product that is launched, the first information, technical specs are made available to a life-long Apple user. In fact brand loyalty scores high on any Apple product and it is Holy Grail in American business; hence, Apple's reluctance to decode the iPhones of terrorists. The product itself has been so designed any data encrypted with the latest IOS 8 cannot be opened without customer password. If somebody makes unsuccessful attempts to open the iphone the data destroys itself so that nobody can lay their hands on it. A US Magistrate has ordered Apple to open the password and the case is going on right now. Apple feels it is not a case of just opening one phone as there could be larger implications such as pressure from government in future too. Not surprisingly, other tech companies in Silicon Valley are supporting Apple in this fight. Some “what if” questions naturally arise. What if the terrorists belonged to ISIS with plans to blow up and cause more damage in future putting lives of many more at risk? What if they are part of a group like terrorists who could inflict maximum damage like the one on 9 /11? Would Tim Cook still hold back if god forbid any of his own family members were victims in San Bernardino? Would he still not agree to have the phone opened if somebody from 115,000 employees of Apple had been killed in the catastrophe? Is customer loyalty the be-all and end-all of everything which is only at best a means to improve one's business as compared to lives of fellow Americans? 51% of Apple employees themselves want the iPhone to be opened as against 36% who support their CEO. Years ago, when Watergate investigations were at peak and US President Richard Nixon was one of the accused, the FBI wanted the tape on which Mr. Nixon was recording every conversation that took place in his room by simply flipping a switch under his table. When the tape was recovered from the president, they found to their dismay he had erased most of the matter on the tape except expletives which the president was fond of using amidst conversations! So when it was sent to Bell Labs they found only some colorful expressions! But the technic